Thousands die needlessly as NHS fails to boost cancer survival rate, and dead patients don’t vote. How about a posthumous vote?

For those of us in the know, the emperor has had no clothes for some years now, since well before NHSreality began 5y ago. What is evident to the profession is not yet evident to the politicians…. Since dead patients don’t vote, there is no concern for them – yet. How about giving all citizens […]

Bullying is a sign of desperation. It is caused by circumstances.. These will get worse… Dead patients don’t vote…

The temperature is rising in some parts of the country. Services are failing as doctors leave, and now patients also are “leaving” to get better treatment abroad. Polly Toynbee is correct, but although the doctors are leaving, and commissioners and those that remain know what is happening, the politicians are protected by large incomes and […]

Stroke survivors ‘are dumped by the NHS’. Dead patients don’t vote, and those near death don’t appear to count…

If you have a stroke on your way to the hereafter, your life expectancy is short, demand for services is high, and nobody listens to you, even if you can be understood.  Dumped is the right political word. Congratulations to the reporter on his understatement however, The real word, especially with regard to intensive physiotherapy, […]

Protest while you can – Dead patients don’t vote. Rationing in action…

  Access to Hospital Emergency Services is seen as an important safety net in the rural areas. From Rhyl to Pembrokeshire there is protest, and these people are not exactly the affluent who can afford to buy choice. Access to chemotherapy and cancer therapies close to home is a bonus, and avoids the problems of […]

Mayday Mayday – for the Health Services: Hospital faces charges over Caesarean tragedy. Dead patients dont vote.

Lucy Bannerman reports in The Times 25th February 2014: Hospital faces charges over Caesarean tragedy “An NHS hospital may face criminal charges after a mother of six bled to death after an elective Caesarean section, it can be revealed. Rosida Etwaree, 45, lost more than half her blood after having the operation to deliver twins at […]

60% jump in patients kept waiting past scan deadline – Wales declines faster and experiences “Frontier” issues

Sarah Kate Templeton in The Sunday Times on 16th March reports on the reality of delayed testing and poorer cancer results compared to Europe: 60% jump in patients kept waiting past scan deadline – Bringing back the fear, and the figures are worse for Wales! “MORE than 13,300 NHS patients were waiting more than six weeks […]

Is listening to patients and families too much to ask? Dont tell me – listening is rationed!

I was taught “Listen to the patient: he is telling you the dianosis!” but it seems that even this elementary skill is now fading from the curriculum. Understandably Janice Turner lets off steam with ” Drop NHS deference and shout the wards down – Shocking death of 13-year-old Martha Mills is a wake-up call to […]

Government panic shows lack of understanding of General Practice. “Penalties for seeing too few patients” and Locum subsidies will have perverse outcomes which have not been thought through.

Remember the GP rescue plan from 2016? The Times Chris Smyth headines with “Doctors face penalties for seeing too few patients – \javid plans to tackle underperformance of GPs. Nick Triggle in the BBC News reports the governement line “GP rescue plan to boost face-to-face consultations” but NHSreality and Huw Pym know this is a […]

Two waiting lists for cancer patients needing new drugs. The insured and the uninsured….

NHSreality has warned readers that there is a perverse incentive to delay the release of newly patented drugs; even for cancer. The pace of technological advance is faster than any government can afford. Hence France has decided to ration out dementia drugs, and to spend the money saved on looking after demented patients. Overt rationing […]