The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) survey reinforces the need for arranging an advocate for your next admission…

Citizens cannot say they were not warned. A year ago the first nurses workforce standards report indicated what was likely, and this years report confirms the decline. This is unfortunately endemic across all aspects of health care training: for doctors and other professionals. NHSreality warned of probable implosion 10 years ago. NHSreality warned that advocates […]

An unsustainable system – but no politician is willing to step out of line and advocate changing it.

Despite the news from Ms Lay in the Times the day before, the leading article 28th May claims that the public are still attached to the NHS. The leader fails to acknowledge that there are 4 different systems with different outcomes, and it fails to suggest a structural change, or to compare with other countries. […]

“Britain’s bureaucratic model of healthcare needs reform to meet patients’ needs and be financially sustainable”. The Times (gently) advocates co-payments.

The idea of co-payments is anathema to most politicians in public, but in private they agree it is sensible. Healthcare has necessarily been dominated since 2020 by the need to combat Covid-19, to protect the vulnerable, save lives and stop the NHS from being overwhelmed. Yet there has been collateral damage to the treatment of […]

At the core of the NHS lies a fundamental falsehood: that it delivers health services equally to everyone ..(Actually) rations services, principally through forcing patients to queue for treatment. Which party has the courage to be honest, and advocate a better and sustainable system?

MELANIE PHILLIPS opines in the Times 6th July 2021: Time to admit we can do better than the NHS – Sentimentalising the health service blinds us to its shortcomings and obscures better models If the NHS was the closest thing to a state religion before the pandemic, it has now become the focus of near-mandatory […]

Unfortunately, due to poor staffing levels, reduced experience & training standards, poor leadership, dishonesty and poor long term planning, there will be more cases like these two. Once allowed back visitors should make sure their relatives have a bedside advocate.

A 21 year old man with Sickle Cell disease died in hospital after dialling 999 himself! The Morror and the Times reported this shameful incident. The consultant haematologist was not involved until it was too late. A patient died after calling 999 while in hospital after being refused a request for oxygen, an inquest has […]

Every doctor should be an advocate, and a stone in the shoe reminding management of our primary duty – to patients.

David Oliver: Being labelled an “activist” is a badge of honour opining in the BMJ (BMJ 2020;371:m4186) I was recently part of a webcast panel event discussing the freedom of health professionals to speak out fearlessly, especially during the pandemic, and whether we were being silenced.1 That same week I and other doctors on social media had […]

Prince Philip’s care… “No room at the Inn” for us. You will be lucky to get a trolley, let alone a bed. Trusting the system to “do the right thing” just wont work. You need an advocate….

Aneurin Bevan wanted the miners of Tredegar to have the same chances as the Bankers of London. I am not a Royalist but a supporter of a Republic. Because Price Philip’s Dr “put his patient at the centre of his concern”, and because he could pay privately, he avoided the English Health Service. Should not […]

We all pay the same tax…. but “Scotland gets cancer drug that is too expensive for England”. The Times advocates rationing ..

Whilst it will not mean a disaster in differential outcomes for the population, this post-code differential highlights the anomalies of our 4 regional health services. It reinforces the WHO opinion that there is no longer an NHS. It brings back fear when we should be reducing it, and it makes it clear that rationing overtly is the pragmatic answer. […]

Plan your hospital advocate…. NHSreality warned you that it was happening near you. The problems of Mid Staffs and Sussex Mental Health services are endemic, and Christmas is not a time to be ill..

NHSreality warned you that it was happening near you. The problems of Mid Staffs and Sussex Mental Health services are endemic. It is time to plan your hospital advocate. He/she should visit frequently, check there is a diagnosis, check on the investigations and treatment, and be willing to attend more than two or three times […]

Family advocates needed? Hospital patients at risk of falls as ‘thousands cannot reach walking sticks’..

In many countries of the world a family member stays in hospital with their relative… Do we need to embrace this model of rational rationing? If we do special insurance policies might become sold to provide advocacy where distance or work prevents family members providing…. As all the systems fail, those least able to articulate […]