Two thirds of middle aged people in Wales are overweight or obese, says study

The BBC news 7th November 2013 reports:

Nearly two thirds of people in Wales in their early 40s are overweight or obese, according to new research.

The University of London study found 37% of adults were overweight by the age of 42 and men are more likely than women to have a weight problem but are less likely to realise it….

The epidemic of age related and obesity related Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is coming. It will help if policies allow part day closure of road systems around schools and “walk to and from school” schemes. Regular exercise should begin in Nursery, and be continued so that children who prefer to watch TV and computer screens become fewer…

Is it ethical to introduce “deserts based” rationing – for example to make Type 2 Diabetics with BMI over 30 for 5 years pay for their medications?

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About Roger Burns - retired GP

I am a retired GP and medical educator. I have supported patient participation throughout my career, and my practice, St Thomas; Surgery, has had a longstanding and active Patient Participation Group (PPG). I support the idea of Community Health Councils, although I feel they should be funded at arms length from government. I have taught GP trainees for 30 years, and been a Programme Director for GP training in Pembrokeshire 20 years. I served on the Pembrokeshire LHG and LHB for a total of 10 years. I completed an MBA in 1996, and I along with most others, never had an exit interview from any job in the NHS! I completed an MBA in 1996, and was a runner up for the Adam Smith prize for economy and efficiency in government in that year. This was owing to a suggestion (St Thomas' Mutual) that practices had incentives for saving by being allowed to buy rationed out services in the following year.

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