“PAs working in general practice and seeing undifferentiated patients makes a mockery of our extensive training.” It’s getting heated on Physician Assistants in General Practice…..

Without no fault compensation the risk in physicians assistants is high. Its high both for the patients, the Team and the finances of the practice, Trust and health dispensation. Money set aside for litigation in Wales is more than one years budget. Its yet another way of rationing health care – riskily. Jennifer Richardson reports […]

Without no-fault compensation Physician Assistants are high risk – and probably create more referrals, investigations and work for the staff in charge of them.

The idea that someone trained in 2 years can do the job of a diagnostician, whose “surgical sieve” excludes the less obvious options for a diagnosis . In the UK a GP is prepared to live with some uncertainty and use time as a diagnostic tool, but this method of rationing care will die as […]

A failure in planning in the introduction of Physician Assistants (Helen Slaisbury) the letters are instructive

What a banal question in the Times: should non medics take on Doctor tasks? There are so manmy tasks, but the one that nobody else does is make a diagnosis. I have answered “No” becsause the question implies all tasks! In the “wartime” situation we are now in I will accept anyone giving me an […]

“Physician Assistants”, as proposed by ministers, trained for 2 years, will increase inequalities and litigation. Back to Health Post workers?

Chris Smyth in The Times reports 22nd August 2014: Patients will soon be treated by less-qualified doctors’ assistants in local surgeries and hospital emergency wards under government plans to relieve pressure on the NHS. Science graduates with two years’ intensive training — compared with the seven years it takes to become a doctor — will […]

Is there really a threat to the Royal Colleges from “assistants”? Anaesthetist says not…

The Sunday Times letters 11th December 2023: Royal college threat Sir, A campaign “to force a takeover” of the royal colleges (News, Dec 9) is shameful in its objectives. Royal colleges exist only for the benefit of patients, not the medical profession.In 2000 the Royal College of Anaesthetists set out to find the optimal way […]

A finger in the dyke is the strategy… But it has to burst eventually

On 24th June several media outlets reported on the long, indignifying and painful waits in A&E. The specific cases are merely examples of a systemic problem. We need to have assertive relatives who act as advocates when we are under the 4 UK health services. NHSreality has published advocacy advice and a personal history explaining […]

Its a mad house – if you are unlucky enough to be ill and live in a remote part of the UK

How to try to pass the buck to General Practice, who of course dont do any emergencies or urgent care any more. The options for truly ill are travelling further East, preferably past Carmarthen to Swansea. Or better still to England. Dr Susan Berry (see below) is flabbergasted at the refusal for monies to be […]

Battleing for a GP slot. GPs (but not other staff) need to be allowed to use time as a diagnostic tool, and to live with uncertainty. No fault compensation is needed in a degraded and declining system..

The two letters below tell us a lot about the health services in the richer shires. Purley and Bournemouth are relatively affluent compared to Wales and the North East. The services there are even worse than those described here, and there are fewer private options. These tow patients need better communication, speedier access, better diagnosticians […]

Now that we are at war economically we need potential workers to be at work, and treated bfore the retired, elderly and disabled. We have to ration care…

As the situation gets worse we need to redefine what the 4 health services are for. NHSreality has already advocated a more important role for Accident and Emegency with all doctors being expected to serve some time in urgent care situations. If this means a few threaten to leave the profession they can be reassigned […]