Community resilience will be needed to counter the inevitable degradationof care. Stranded patients with nowhere to go need army style solutions in tented emergency hospitals…… and we all need to help.

Our practice “Patient Participation Group” meets next week. I cannot be there but the issue of community resilience in a “forgotten part of the left behind ” is impotysnt. In the years ahead, as the voids / holes in the old health and social safety net gets worse, we will see many more “excess deaths” […]

A scapegoat government is needed. Most of the sensible letters on health – come from doctors. “We all know how to reform our countries, but we then dont know how to get elected afterwards”.

Multiple reforms of the Health Services have failed. No wonder the public feels disillusioned. The long term opportunity to tell the truth is lost because politicians know that if they implement what is needed they wont be elected again. A scapegoat government is needed. Mr Streeting talks about the NHS, but he means England. On […]

Millions of Britons now doubt they can rely on the NHS for good quality and timely treatment, even in an emergency.

74% of us no longer have faith in the safety net we call the NHS … Although there is no NHS any longer, since devolution. We pretend it is there – until our nearest and dearest go to use it. It is claimed that nobody in politics knows where to start the changes, but… I […]

BMJ letters. Generalism is important. Overseas doctor recruitment.. The ethics of encouraging private practice… Without “Exit Interviews” politics goes forward into the health minefield without a workforce plan….

There are so many good letters in the British Medical Journal. The professions understand the nuances, dilemmas, and dissuances. Short term or long term? Primary or secondary care? Prevention or emergency treatment? But there are virtually no exit interviews. How can government have any confidence in its proposed solutions if it fails to address the […]

Strikes. Medical student and new doctors’ finances. A nightmare for the chancellor and an additional threat to sustainability.. The strikes are a symptom of unhappiness…

The cost of becoming a doctor is becoming so high that only the “Medical Caste” are prepared to go through it. Nevertheless its noting like as bad as the USA, or India. The threat of strikes by teachers and doctors (Top medic says a bad effect on waiting lists, but this is denied in the […]

The doctors union was ripe for the plucking.. Doctors should never (have to) strike..

The great thing about the 4 health services as far as our politicians are concerned, is that they have deferred day to day budgetary responsibility and development to non-political persons. These willing managerial scapegoats know that they must move on before the changes they have initiated are shown to fail. The German or the Dutch […]

Communities are going to have to “rally round” if the health services are to survive the next decade.. The unintended consequences of every change need pre-empting..

A naïve report from Eleanor Hayward in the Times failed to expose the “unintended consequences”, NHSreality was not going to comment at all, but an excellent letter from Katie Musgrave exposes the weakness of reporting simply what is fed to a reporter! Yes, we will need communities to “rally round” if the health services are […]

Millions of Britons now doubt they can rely on the NHS for good quality and timely treatment, even in an emergency. The Times Health Commission asks for your suggestions.

TIMES HEALTH COMMISSION – Public faith in the NHS collapses – As The Times launches year-long inquiry into the future of the health service, a poll reveals that two in three voters think that the NHS offers a bad service Voters are losing faith in the NHS amid record waiting lists and ambulance delays, new […]

Amanda Pritchard’s poisoned chalice: Junior doctors have often travelled. Now even more are planning to ..

About 20 years ago the government being fed up with juniors going abroad for a few years, decided to make their career pathway in the UK more difficult if they went abroad. It caused resentment but did not change practice. There was already a shortage and Doctors understand market forces. Now there are 25% of […]

Its not just the next generation of patients, but also of doctors which is at risk now….

Politicians want others to do the hard work of making decision if possible. That way they can blame others for their delegated failures. Scotland is no different to Wales and England in this regard. Now it is becoming evident that the whole system is failing the politicians cannot escape the blame any longer. A new […]